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Berita Kampus

[beasiswa] Re: [butuh info] GRE

Saya bulan oktober kemarin sempat ikut tes Revised GRE. Dengan persiapan cuma sebulan (nekat,,,abis diburu-buru banget), hasilnya ya segitu2 aja. 150 v, 159 q, 3,5 W. (ini skor yang jenis baru) Bedanya GRE dengan Revised […]

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Berita Kampus

Re: [beasiswa] [butuh info] GRE

Hi Steffi.. Idealnya sih untuk mempersiapkan GRE buat orang rata-rata yang belum pernah pengalaman GRE adalah setahun, khususnya untuk verbal reasoning dan analytical writingnya. Susah banget! Walau bisa berbeda tergantng dasar dan kecepatan belajar seseorang. […]

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Berita Kampus

[beasiswa] [INFO] APOD Graduate Student Research Assistantship APOD Graduate Student Research Assistantship Applicants are sought for a graduate student research assistantship opening in the Department of Physics at Michigan Technological University. The successful applicant will be expected to complete courses and […]

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Beasiswa S3

PhD research position at A*STAR Graduate Scholarship

This is a collaboration between A*STAR Graduate Academy (A*GA) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Singaporeans, Singapore Permanent Residents, citizens of ASEAN countries and other international students seeking admission as full-time Ph.D. research candidates in […]