Re: [beasiswa] [Butuh info] Phd di UK,susah dapat beasiswa utk non EU?

emang susah dapet beasiswa di UK. saya juga pernah email salah satu prof di Manchester Uni, dia seh bilang OK dan ada project yg sesuai dengan minat interest saya, tetapi ga ada beasiswa, waktu saya tanya ke salah satu dosen di kampus, ternyata emang gitu….dan dosen saya itu malah tidak menyarankan saya untuk ke inggris, karen PELIT katanya….
Mario Leonardus, B. Sc.
Graduate Students Department of Chemistry
Majoring Master of Science in Teaching of Chemistry
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung
Mobile: +62-813-26694984 / +63-838-21510804

From: anuraini1
Sent: Friday, 8 June 2012, 16:02
Subject: [beasiswa] [Butuh info] Phd di UK,susah dapat beasiswa utk non EU?


Dear rekan2 seperjuangan,
Nama saya Nur,saya lg hunting Phd post untuk research bidang energi, saya mau mengajukan ide proposal sendiri, kemaren saya dpt balasan email dari salah satu target Supervisor,isinya sbb:

Dear Nur,
Thank you for your interest in working with me at the xxxx Institute. Unfortunately, we do not have any PhD positions open at this time. Simply put, there is no post for which you can apply. What this means practically is that there is no way for us to help fund your studies, and applying to a UK university from a non-EU country can be very expensive. I certainly do appreciate your interest, but I felt it was important to explain that financial reasons may prohibit further discussion.

I wish you the best of luck in finding an institution that meets your needs,

Yang ingin saya tanyakan, apa benar situasinya utk UK, akan sgt sulit saat ini utk mendapatkan beasiswa Phd based on research (mgkn krn kondisi krisis Eropa..etc). Klo memang peluangnya skrg sgt kecil di UK,mgkn saya akan memikirkan utk pindah target ke negara lain krn slama ini sy fokus utk apply k wilayah UK.
Terima kasih sebelumnya atas pencerahan rekan2 (terutama yg sdg berada di UK)




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